Sample Policy: Paid Parental Involvement Leave

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Below is a sample template policy for parental involvement leave.

Employees who have children in primary or secondary school may take up to 16 hours of paid time off for school activities per calendar year.

Employees must request time off for a child’s school activity at least seven days in advance. In the event of an emergency school meeting, at least 24 hours’ notice is required if possible.

The time off will be given in increments of no less than one hour and no more than four hours. Employees are not required to make up lost time. An employee may be requested to provide documentation for the time off for school activities.

Please note that the information provided, while research-based, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from state or federal governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.