Women’s participation in the North Carolina workforce has stalled, preventing much needed economic growth. In fact, NC can grow its gross domestic product by nearly 12 percent if more women are enabled to enter and remain in the workforce, according to McKinsey Global Institute estimates. But how do we accomplish that goal?
One way is to look at other countries that have had success and see what might work here. This September, Go Global NC is taking 20 business, civic and community leaders to Germany to see how that country encourages high participation from a skilled workforce through business practices such as flexible schedules and family leave programs, which support worker retention and employment.
Go Global NC’s Global Leaders Germany 2018 program will study these German practices and consider how they might be adapted to shape and improve families’ employment opportunities and our economic growth in North Carolina.
Go Global NC, part of the University of North Carolina system, is a nonprofit that empowers North Carolinians with the skills, understanding, connection and knowledge to succeed in a global community. For more on the Global Leaders’ 2018 program, click here. For an application to participate, click here.